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Negev, Dead Sea and Arava Studies - Instructions for authors Negev, Dead Sea and Arava Studies

20 Nov 2015

Manuscript length Length of the Research Article, Review Article, and Short Communication should be up to approximately 10,000, 15,000, and 3,000 words, respectively (excluding the list of references). [...] The length of Letter to the Editor and Perspective should be up to approximately 700 and 1,500 words, respectively. [...] The first page should include the manuscript's title; full names of the authors; affiliations; running head (up to 55 characters); and contact information of the corresponding author, including telephone, fax, and email address. [...] In the list of references, details of articles published in journal articles should include: author's last name, author's first letter of given name, year of publication, title of article, name of journal, volume, and pages. [...] For a chapter in an edited book, the required details include: author's last name, author's first letter of given name, year of publication, title of chapter, name/s of editor/s, name of book, name of publisher, location of publisher, and pages.


Science Center

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