cover image: Principles for Building Confidence and Stability into National Defenses and International Security


Principles for Building Confidence and Stability into National Defenses and International Security

22 Feb 2021

These home-court advantages include the high morale of troops defending home territory, intimate knowledge of the terrain, shorter lines of supply and communication, and the opportunity to intensively prepare the likely combat zones. [...] The inherent efficiencies of a defensive orientation also make it easier to reconcile the confidence building defense criteria of non-provocation, sufficiency, steadfastness, and affordability. [...] Without such a process, it is impossible to assess sufficiency, and the size and shape of defense will remain subject to political whim. [...] The institutionalization of confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) can normalize the exchange between states of doctrinal and defense planning information and provide forums for assessing the regional impact of various national defense planning options. [...] Optimization of the application of resources toward the attainment of objectives should be a goal of any institution.


Charles Knight

Published in
United States of America