cover image: E-CIGARETTES - INDUSTRY MARKETING AND YOUTH TARGETING - E-cigarettes capitalize on offering



11 Jun 2021

In advertisements,9 and on YouTube9-12 July 2020, the FDA issued warnings to e-cigarette and Twitter.13 retailers and manufacturers, including Puff Bar, to remove their flavored disposable e-cigarettes > Mobile ads are a popular place to advertise and youth appealing e-liquid products from the e-cigarettes since they have the potential to market.2 reach millions of young people.14 E-CIGARETTES IND. [...] A study e-cigarette advertisements on social media of college undergraduates found that the among young adults was strongly associated appearance of celebrities on an e-cigarette with positive expectations of e-cigarette use social media brand page significantly increased — like the idea that using e-cigarettes would intentions to use e-cigarettes and positive provide a pleasurable taste and smell. [...] The three most popular videos featured stylishness and popularity.18 Of the study individuals pushing large amounts of used Puff participants, 19% regularly saw e-cigarette Bars over the edge of a desk with the audio ads on Facebook and 16% on Instagram, and “nicotine addiction check,” suggesting using the even more participants reported having seen product was addictive. [...] 43 photo booth and samples of blu eCigs.41 It > In 2018, the FDA contacted eBay and raised also sponsored a similar “Electric Lounge” concerns about the site’s continued sales of the same year at the SXSW Music Festival in 42 JUUL and other tobacco products — something Austin, Texas. [...] » Convenience stores, food, drug and mass retail channels: 53%46 Retail channels of the e-cigarettes market » Online and other retail channels: 28%46 > The Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Convenience stores, food, drug and mass retail channels 53 Act – which prevents cigarettes, smokeless Online and other and roll-your-own tobacco products from retail channels 28 being shipped via the U.
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United States of America
