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The Voice Voice of the Editor

20 Mar 2018

V O L U M E 2 3 , I S S U E 1 The Voice T h e V o i c e V O I C E O F T H E E D I T O R Mary Sandage PhD INJURED SINGERS IN VOCAL CRISIS IN THIS ISSUE: BY MARY SANDAGE, PHD T H E V O I C E O F 1 T H E E D I T O R B Y E D I T O R Working with the injured yngologist, grounds his M A R Y S A N D A G E P H D singer in vocal crisis is a medical support for the N A V I G A T I N G A 2 , 3 , 4 perfect to. [...] Singing is such an act in which he is no longer able to cope of courage and vulnerability rooted with and adjust to the recurrent in character and spirit, that when a stresses of everyday living in a singer loses the ability to sing, how- functional way, with the tools with ever momentarily and for whatever which he has reason, it can been “ S I N G I N G I S S U C H A N feel as though P A U L E. [...] But lieve that a laryngoscopic exam is essential as an in a vocal crisis – again, I hearken back to the def- initial step in the management of a singer in a mo- inition my psychiatrist colleague provided – when ment of crisis, because it provides us with basic a singer is no longer able to cope with or adjust to information about the state of the laryngeal anat- the recurrent stresses of everyday. [...] S I G N I F I C A N T P R O B L E M S , A R E A B L E T O She improved with therapy C O M P E N S A T E A N D E V E N T U A L L Y A F F E C T and training and within a few C H A N G E. [...] She has given Master Classes at universities and summer programs throughout the country, is a consultant at NYU’s The New Studio and is on the advisory board of the Voice Foundation and the Manhattan School of Music.


Maria Russo

Published in
United States of America