cover image: THE VOICE FOUNDATION 48 - ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM - Care of the Professional Voice


THE VOICE FOUNDATION 48 - ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM - Care of the Professional Voice

3 May 2019

ORG LEADING PROFESSIONALS IN VOICE CARE SHARING KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE Jointly provided by The Voice Foundation and the American College of Surgeons in collaboration with Drexel University College of Medicine, Temple University, The American Institute for Voice and Ear Research, and the Academy of Vocal Arts. [...] Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to…… Increase knowledge of recent technological, scientific and clinical advances in the study of the human voice; Increase understanding in the diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders and techniques for vocal fold surgery; Be able to apply various voice examinations/evaluations, therapy and teaching techniques; Foster dialogue and c. [...] He is a Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology (Continued on page 7) Page 4 Care of the Professional Voice 2019 THURSDAY MAY 30, 2019 AGENDA and Audiology at the International University of Health and Welfare. [...] His research focuses on the relationship between per- ception and action in the context of music, including the sensorimotor bases of poor-pitch singing, the role of auditory feedback in music performance, cognitive mechanisms for retrieval of music during perfor- mance, and the interplay between melody and rhythm during perception and production. [...] She has a 26 year history as an actor, voice, and movement teacher, She is a recipi- ent of the Excellence in Education Award from the Kennedy Center/American College The- atre Festival/Region VIII, given to faculty who go “beyond the call of duty in devoting their time, efforts, talent, and energies on behalf of the students and in support of the other faculty and staff of their institution.” T h.


Katherine Lee

Published in
United States of America
