cover image: The Voice - SPRING 2020 - VOICE AND GESTURE



25 Apr 2020

D., CCC-SLP learning and the coordination of the spoken signal (i.e., manual movements can mutually affect mimicry gestures) capitalizes The use of gestures in speech and the manual and speech systems, on these key interactions of the voice intervention is certainly not due in part to their shared neu- speech and manual systems for novel. [...] Manual mimic- are implemented intuitively and there is motivation to system- ry gestures are hand movements without thought of the underlying atically reflect on the types of that represent the desired speech mechanism of the utility of the gestural cues that are implement- goal in: coordination of the speech mech- ed in speech and voice therapy. [...] If the hand properties of /p/ (i.e., closure of gestures employed in therapy is raised slightly and an additional the lips with a plosive burst in the take advantage of the concept of amount of muscular tension is initial position of syllables), etc. [...] The singing The good news is that move- instrument is the human body, and ment-based instruction is adaptable movements of the vocal tract, as such, singers must learn to coor- to all levels and ages and can be tai- such as raising the soft pala- dinate their various body parts to lored to the parameters of your stu- te (an arching hand), or the facilitate a healthy and expressive dio or classroom. [...] These types of actions • While sitting, lean forward at • Use arms and a pointed coordinate the various parts of the waist as the phrase expands finger to draw the musical the singing instrument, and help and backward as the phrase line.
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