cover image: Safe t y Minute - Complex Procedures Can increase accidents - as the length and complexity of procedures increase, the number of


Safe t y Minute - Complex Procedures Can increase accidents - as the length and complexity of procedures increase, the number of

20 Apr 2021

Safe t y Minute Complex Procedures Can increase accidents TJ Larkin ■ Larkin Communication as the length and complexity of procedures increase, the number of safety incidents also increases. [...] Healthcare study a study conducted in israel asked 632 nurses and doctors to evaluate the detail of their safety procedures. [...] However, as the length and detail of the procedures increases, the number of incidents increases. [...] Can we find ways to reduce the length and complexity of our procedures? Why do procedures get more complex? the study found that after a serious medical error occurred, a typical reaction was to revise the procedure, adding length and steps. [...] is Not “Line Break “ PPE: wear the right kind One or more of these is true: For example: All liquids and vapors gone the cover page does not replace the procedures; instead, it sits cleaning filters Barricade or tape area on top and gives helpful information and guidance.
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