cover image: Master of Arts in Development Studies


Master of Arts in Development Studies

25 Aug 2020

appreciate the value of varied and opposing perspectives and the importance of context including the advantages and privileges and disadvantages and limitations associated with social, economic and national contexts; and m. [...] The core course of 8 ECs and the Major specific course ‘Working towards the Research Paper’ (3 ECs) are compulsory and provide the basis to the field of study and includes various activities, such as study trips. [...] The Major Convenor assesses whether the conditions for a specialization are fulfilled and appoints (on behalf of the Board of Examiners) a supervisory team for the Research Paper (supervisor and examiner) that has expertise on the themes of the Major and the Specialization. [...] Description of the Major The Economics of Development (ECD) Major provides students with the theoretical knowledge, policy awareness, and analytical techniques to tackle many of the key issues facing their countries in respect of economic development and economic policy analysis. [...] Major courses Students of the SJP Major are required to take the SJP core course in Term 1: ISS-4153 Contemporary Perspectives on Social Justice and in Term 3 and 4 ISS-4393 SJP: Working towards the Research Paper In Term 2 students of the SJP Major are required to take one of the following three courses: ISS-4216 Human Rights, Law and Society OR ISS-4217 Conflict Analysis and Transformation; A Go.


Marianne van Dieren

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