cover image: “A Student is a Student is a Student”: a Position Paper on


“A Student is a Student is a Student”: a Position Paper on

28 May 2021

To meet these challenges, the Irish HE sector calls for a systemic reimagining of how mainstream HE can be effectively delivered in a more coherent and flexible manner, based on the following principles and appropriate resourcing. [...] Principle 1: The state will equitably fund all students by volumes of accredited learning, expressed in terms of ECTS, at state-funded HEIs in the provision of student fees, grants, capitation and other financial supports6. [...] Principle 2: The state will equitably fund public HEIs for students who are undertaking volumes of accredited learning, expressed in terms of ECTS, and underpinned by existing conventions and quality assurance mechanisms, irrespective of the mode or duration of study. [...] A Principle 1-based approach would enable the state and HEIs to provide greater and more flexible opportunities for all, including a more diverse range of students. [...] Under a Principle 3-based approach, the sector commits to striving to support student success and enhance the student experience, mainstreaming flexibility for the benefit of all students.


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