Their impacts continue throughout the production phases in the petrochemical sector, the transportation of plastics and related chemicals, the use and consumption of plastics in everyday life, and the post-consumption phases, including recycling and disposal. [...] However, 90% of commercial water re ll stations operate without a permit or formal agreement with the BMA and are found to have contamination.⁸ The use of the term “seller” in the 2013 noti cation further complicates matters as it con nes regulatory actions to commercial water re ll stations and not those available to the public free of charge. [...] EJF calls upon national governments to promptly enact policies and legislations that enable the development and expansion of safe and inclusive water re ll and other re ll infrastructures by taking into consideration: Hygiene standards, monitoring, and transparency Producer’s responsibility and polluter pays principles Accessibility and the right to a clean and healthy environment for all Responsi. [...] Tips for choosing a water station model: • Ensure that the model is providing safe drinking water • If the water lter is required, the model should be able to show the lter statusand when it needs to be changed • The source of water and quality control measures should be displayed and communicated to users on a monthly or quarterly basis Create a communications plan for the water rell station •. [...] Promote the water rell stations to the public Step 3 Maintaining your water stations Organise daily upkeep of outer areas of the water stations and their surrounding environment Things to consider: • Create a cleaning roster to foster trust in the hygiene and cleanliness of the station Conduct water quality testing on a quarterly basis or as frequently as possible Randomly visit the water stations.
- Pages
- 12
- Published in
- United Kingdom