● Recommendations are directed at the Moroccan government, the EU, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) to end illegal driftnet use, protect the abundant marine wildlife in the Alboran Sea, and support a just transition to safeguard the livelihoods of fishing communities in northern Morocco. [...] a transition for communities that rely on this Its recommendations are directed toward the technique for a living, towards more sustainable Moroccan government, the EU, the Spanish fishing techniques and the lack of enforcement by Government the General Fisheries Commission for competent authorities, has allowed for the use of the Mediterranean (GFCM), and the International illegal driftnets in th. [...] Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) to end the use of illegal driftnets Situated at the westernmost point of the in the Mediterranean Sea once and for all while Mediterranean, the Alboran Sea is of significant ensuring a sustainable transition for the coastal biological and economic importance. [...] exchange of waters with the Atlantic through the Strait of Gibraltar,12 in combination with the seabed’s diverse morphology in the Alboran Sea basin,13 has shaped a unique ecosystem abundant in biodiversity.14 Although the Alboran Sea covers only 2% of the surface area of the whole Mediterranean Sea,15 it harbours one third of all known species in the Mediterranean.16 The Alboran Sea is also a cru. [...] The GFCM should discuss potential non- compliance of Morocco with GFCM Recommendations GFCM/29/2005/3 prohibiting the use of driftnets for fisheries of large pelagic species and GFCM/22/1997/1 on the limitation of the use of driftnets in the Mediterranean.
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- Pages
- 31
- Published in
- United Kingdom
Table of Contents
- Contents 3
- Executive summary 4 3
- 1. Introduction 5 3
- 2. Methodology 7 3
- 3. Driftnets the walls of death 7 3
- Environmental impacts 8 3
- Legal status of the use of driftnets in the Alboran Sea Mediterranean 13 3
- 4. Illegal driftnet fishing remains commonplace in the Alboran Sea 13 3
- The size of the driftnet fleet in the Alboran Sea is likely higher than existing estimates 16 3
- 5. Port authorities are failing to deter the use of driftnets 17 3
- 6. Economic insecurity and foreign demand drive driftnet use 20 3
- 7. Looking forward the need for a sustainable transition 23 3
- 8. Conclusions and recommendations 24 3
- 1. Introduction 5
- 2. Methodology 7
- 3. Driftnets the walls of death 7
- Environmental impacts 8
- Legal status of the use of driftnets in the Alboran Sea Mediterranean 13
- 4. Illegal driftnet fishing remains commonplace in the Alboran Sea 13
- The size of the driftnet fleet in the Alboran Sea is likely higher than existing estimates 15
- 5. Port authorities are failing to deter the use of driftnets 16
- 6. Economic insecurity and foreign demand drive driftnet use 19
- 7. Looking forward the need for a sustainable transition 22
- 8. Conclusions and recommendations 23
- To the government of Morocco which should 24
- To the EU 25
- To the GFCM and ICCAT 26
- References 27