cover image: IGU Commission 2020 report - C20.25 Islands (5 March 2021)


IGU Commission 2020 report - C20.25 Islands (5 March 2021)

21 Jun 2021

Thank John Duff, Bojan Furst and the team at the Leslie Harris Centre of Memorial University of Newfoundland, for rising up to the challenge and basically solving all the tech-related problems. [...] We organized a panel related to SOCPacific, on ‘Perceptions and values of marine resources and their uses in relation to conservation and management areas, practices and target species’ in the South Pacific Islands area. [...] Since its inaugural conference was held in Taipei, Taiwan in 2007, the Commission has gathered scholars from around the world who are interested in studying islands as distinct geographical phenomena and in exploring their significance in the contexts issues concerning global change, sustainability and resilience research, cultural geography and humanities, political and economic geography, and ot. [...] The Commission also works together with relevant national and international organizations in promoting research on and awareness of island development issues, as well as to strengthen the significance of the wealth of diversity of island cultures The IGU Commission on Islands has consistently networked and collaborated with other island studies organizations, most prominently the International Sma. [...] Knowledge and Practices of Indigenous Peoples in the Context of Resource Management in Relation to Climate Change in Southeast Asia.
Published in
South Africa
Title in English
Annual Report 2019- 2021 C20.25 Islands - A. Membership - 1. The Steering Committee for 2021-2024 Chair: Huei-Min Tsai, Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 116, Taiwan. Phone: +886-2-77346565; Mobile: +86-933921658. Email: URL: [from PDF fonts]