cover image: C20.38 Research Methods in Geography Annual Report 2020


C20.38 Research Methods in Geography Annual Report 2020

21 Jun 2021

The topics discussed were (I) the composition of the new Commission and its vision, (II) the “Vision and Means” document, (III) strategies to increase the visibility of the new Commission (website, social media, personal networks). [...] The topics discussed were (I) the draft for the Commission website (webpages and contents), (II) recruitment of the corresponding members, (III) the Commission inaugural session program at the IGU 34th International Geographical Congress, (IV) the possibility of adding two/three new steering committee members in order to increase the range of geographic areas and research topics within the steerin. [...] Program of work This program summarizes the topics addressed at each meeting and identifies the main areas of work for the next ones: - Improving a transnational critical dialogue on research methods in Geography The Commission aims at supporting the development and sharing of knowledge, theories and research methods by involving scholars from different regions and traditions and providing support. [...] The steering committee recognisesthe importance of a strong online and social media presence and thanks to an IGU operating grant the Commission has commissioned (I) the design of a website based on CMS Wordpress for both desktop and mobile devices and (II) the creation of an original logo for the Commission. [...] - Developing the network Website, social media platforms and personal networking are the ground for the development and implementation of the network.
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South Africa