cover image: Thema International Steering Committee meeting Tuesday 20


Thema International Steering Committee meeting Tuesday 20

14 Jun 2021

JPO has announced the release of Thema 1.4 and updated the translation of the scheme and of the Basic User Guide. [...] DB also noted interesting cooperation with the Japanese group on the Law section for potential additions in in v1.5 FF - Norway has completed the translation of v1.4 and the reclassification of the backlist and the short versions of the headings. [...] VP reported that in France they have updated of the CLIL Thema mapping, and Thema codes have been added to all the products in the Dilicom database (using the mapping). [...] Francesca introduced the question of the next meeting likely to be the morning of the 20th Oct (but the form this depends critically on the final form of the Frankfurt Book Fair) Summary of briefing meeting for Americas CS introduced the meeting and asked everyone to present themselves and give an update from their group NO – Japan – introduced the JPO and said they were implementing Thema and had. [...] CS then gave the Americas group the update about the timetable for v1.5 and also the update in the report.
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