cover image: Application Guidelines for Stand-Alone Projects (valid from 1 January2021)


Application Guidelines for Stand-Alone Projects (valid from 1 January2021)

7 May 2021

The National Research Partner form should be completed for costs arising from the collaboration with national research partners that are not invoiced to the principal investigator, but have to be handled directly between the research institution of the national research partner and the FWF. [...] Each item of equipment is to be recorded in the institution’s inventory and the acquisition costs are to be reimbursed from the respective project budget in accordance with the relevant agreement between the research institution and the FWF. [...] annexes and the forms, the following attachments must be uploaded, where applicable: ▪ Cover letter; ▪ List of reviewers who should be excluded; ▪ If the Stand-Alone project submitted is the continuation of an FWF-funded project, a report on previous results or a final report and a list of publications resulting from the project must be uploaded in the language of the application (no more than 6 p. [...] A detailed description of the decision-making process, the criteria for selecting international reviewers, detailed rules concerning conflicts of interest and the composition of expert juries and boards can be found in the General Principles of the Decision-Making Procedure. [...] Publication of project data and results The FWF would like to point out that should the project be approved, the FWF will publish on its website a summary of the project in German and English for public relations (PR) purposes – which must be sent to the FWF by the applicant when returning the grant agreement – as well as the amount of funding granted and, on project completion, summaries of the f.


Mario Mandl

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