cover image: EVERY CHILD COUNTS - German Doctors Child Protection Procedures


EVERY CHILD COUNTS - German Doctors Child Protection Procedures

23 Apr 2021

Child/Children In accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the German Doctors defines a child as any person under the age of 18. [...] As a representative of the German Doctors, I hereby pledge to uphold the following rules: I will always and in any case: follow and uphold the guidelines in the German Doctors Child Protection Policy. [...] The Code of Conduct applies as follows: All the German Doctors’ staff, including the volunteering German doctors, are required to sign and adhere to the Code of Conduct. [...] Interview During the interview, the German Doctors will openly discuss its Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct and apply behavioural-based interviewing to determine the relevance of the applicant’s past conduct and how the applicant might behave in specific situations. [...] As a representative of the German Doctors, I hereby pledge to uphold the following rules: I will always and in any case: follow and uphold the guidelines in the German Doctors Child Protection Policy.
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