cover image: Frequently Asked Questions 2020-2022 Catalytic Multicountry Funds - General Questions - What are catalytic multicountry funds and how are they different from allocation


Frequently Asked Questions 2020-2022 Catalytic Multicountry Funds - General Questions - What are catalytic multicountry funds and how are they different from allocation

23 Jun 2021

Additionally, an RO should implement to the extent possible the following CCM/RCM Eligibility Requirements: Eligibility Requirement 1: • Coordinate the development of the funding proposal through transparent and documented processes that engage a broad range of stakeholders in the solicitation and the review of activities to be included in the application. [...] Can a consortium apply to multicountry RFPs? A consortium can be considered an eligible applicant for the purpose of a multicountry RFP if represented by a lead RO that complies with all of the requirements of an RO applicant (please refer to the above question and/or Attachment C of the RFPs). [...] To ensure that the interventions proposed in a multicountry funding proposal do not duplicate and are consistent with initiatives under existing national programs, the membership of the CCM of each country included in the multicountry funding proposal (at a meeting or through another documented process) must agree to endorse the funding proposal. [...] What happens after the submission of funding proposals? All multicountry funding proposals submitted no later than the date and time designated in the summary table of the applicable RFP document will be subject to a screening process conducted by the Global Fund Secretariat to assess the extent to which the application fulfils the requirements outlined in Attachment C (Funding Proposal Requiremen. [...] The TRP will assess the technical soundness and strategic focus of the submission and allow the request to proceed to grant-making or recommend the proposal for iteration and subsequent review by the TRP.
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