cover image: National Student Outcomes Survey 2020: technical notes - National Centre for Vocational


National Student Outcomes Survey 2020: technical notes - National Centre for Vocational

21 Jun 2021

▪ The inclusion of a category in the ‘reasons for not continuing the training’ item of 'I completed all the training I intended to when I enrolled'. [...] The content of invitation and reminder emails varied slightly, with different themes used to encourage survey participation, ranging from the importance of the survey to the chance to win a prize. [...] The fieldwork contractor provided the students’ contact details to the external providers for the purposes of administering the survey. [...] On completion of the fieldwork, potential qualification and short course part-completers were classified into one of the following groups: qualification part-completers, short course part-completers or continuing in the same training, based on the answer to the following question. [...] This represents a change to the previous methodology where the hard-copy letter was sent to all students at the commencement of the survey.



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