cover image: Ghana - AFRICA WEST - P169265 - Harmonizing and Improving Statistics in West Africa - Audited Financial Statement (English)


Ghana - AFRICA WEST - P169265 - Harmonizing and Improving Statistics in West Africa - Audited Financial Statement (English)

2 Aug 2021

Ghana Statistical Service Financing As per the Financing Agreement referenced Harmonizing and Improving Statistics In West Africa Project under the IDA Credit Number 6576-GH, dated April 24, 2020 between the Republic of Ghana and the IDA, the IDA provided a credit of 109 million Special Drawing Rights equivalent to USD150 million to finance Project's activities and as at 31 December, US$17,022,026 [...] In our opinion, the Project's Financial Statements present fairly, in all material respect the financial position of HISWAP as at 31 December 2020 and the results of its operations for the year ended in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and provisions of the Financing Agreement referenced (IDA) Credit Number 6576-GH and the Accounting Policies set out in Note [...] Responsibility of Management and Those with Governance for the Project's Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these Financial Statements in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards, and for such internal controls as Management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of Financial Statements that are free from m [...] They are recognized in the statement of financial position as assets of the project at the total value of all eligible expenditures. [...] However, IT Market has only supplied 35,000 units of tablets without the accessories and the GSS has paid the supplier US$4,348,800 for the supply of the Tablets.
big data household survey data quality field staff internal control physical infrastructure financing agreement health service public financial management accounting policy financial statement financial reporting corrective action going concern retroactive financing source of funding asset and liability technical committee allegations of fraud direct payment public procurement act economic statistic administrative datum sources of fund statistical service immigration service violation of law oversight committee material effect aide memoire accounting information tender committee it solutions reasonable assurance audit objective tender evaluation post office box data accessibility material misstatement audit procedure audit evidence ethical requirement going concern basis historical cost convention spot exchange rate income tax act internal accounting control material weakness uncorrected misstatements bankers bank prison service land & natural resources unrecorded transactions


Degraft-Hanson,Robert Wallace

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Doc Name
Ghana - AFRICA WEST - P169265 - Harmonizing and Improving Statistics in West Africa - Audited Financial Statement
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United States of America
Rel Proj ID
3W-Harmonizing And Improving Statistics In West Africa -- P169265
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