cover image: Impact of climate change on the coast of Lebanon


Impact of climate change on the coast of Lebanon


Impact of climate change on the coast of Lebanon An awareness handbook 2 Manal Nader, Maria Bou Nassar, Shadi El Indary, Manale Abou Dagher 3 The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN or other participating organisations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, [...] CC will lead to flooding of these areas that is amplified by SLR, to extreme storm events, to decrease of food sources that people depend on due to destruction of habitats and to changes in the chemical and physical characteristics of marine waters, to negative impacts on coastal tourism, to beaches being eroded, and to coastal agriculture disappear- ing. [...] Evolution of the Lebanese coastal zone A study conducted by the Marine and Coastal Resources Program, Institute of the Environment - University of Balamand comparing historical aerial photographs of 1962 and satellite images of 2010 Evolution of the Lebanese shoreline and 2016 showed that sand and pebble beaches have retreated due in 2010 and 2016 in comparison to 1962 to extensive erosion while m [...] Further- 6 more, the CZ and beaches of Lebanon are usually sediment starved, 4 a situation made worse by the building of dams along rivers and val- leys, and to the diversion of the majority of coastal rivers towards 2 potable water and irrigation. [...] Currently, there is no monitoring, long-term or otherwise of the land movement of the different regions of the Lebanese CZ to understand and project the impact of SLR.
climate change lebanon coastal areas coastal zones environmental awareness public awareness raising


Nader, Manal, Nassar, Maria Bou, Indary, Shadi El, Dagher, Manale Abou

Broad subject
Climate change
Call number
IUCN-2021-024, En
Gland : IUCN ; Beirut, Lebanon Ministry of Environment, 2021
Physical Description
v, 19p. : ill.
Published in
IUCN, Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA)


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