cover image: CHECKLIST - Emergency supplies checklist Essential preparedness supplies to shelter-in-place: To-go supplies:


CHECKLIST - Emergency supplies checklist Essential preparedness supplies to shelter-in-place: To-go supplies:

17 Aug 2021

You may also wish to have a kit in your office and a commuter kit in your car. [...] Are you in a safe place? Print and laminate a copy for your home and each Do you or others need first aid/help of another kind? member of your family to keep with them. [...] Add specific instructions where to take shelter and where food and water are stored. [...] Is there a neighbor you can trust? List a neighbor, their house description, and instructions to provide them with your whereabouts if you leave. [...] Is there a neighbor you can trust? List a neighbor, their house description, and instructions to provide them with your whereabouts if you leave.
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United States of America