cover image: Motility Disorders CN3 CN6 CN4 - The extraocular muscles (EOMs) are innervated by cranial nerves 3, 4 and 6.


Motility Disorders CN3 CN6 CN4 - The extraocular muscles (EOMs) are innervated by cranial nerves 3, 4 and 6.

27 Aug 2021

Nuclear CN3 CN6 CN4Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus 7 Motility Disorders Supranuclear Internuclear Nuclear CN3 CN6 CN4Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus The internuclear pathway consists of a set of axons projecting from the CN6 nucleus on one side to the CN3 nucleus on the other. [...] ^ ^ 8 Motility Disorders Supranuclear Internuclear Nuclear CN3 MLF CN6 CN4Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus The internuclear pathway consists of a set of axons projecting from the CN6 nucleus on one side to the CN3 nucleus on the other. [...] ^ ^ 9 Motility Disorders Supranuclear Internuclear Nuclear CN3 MLF CN6 CN4Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus The infranuclear pathway consists of everything below the nuclei: the axons as they run from the nuclei to the neuromuscular junction; Infranuclear the junction itself; and finally the EOMs themselves. [...] ^ ^ 46 Motility Disorders Orbital apex: All the nerves…including the ‘optic’ one 47 Motility Disorders Orbital apex: All the nerves…including the ‘optic’ one 48 Motility Disorders Supranuclear Internuclear Nuclear CN3 MLF CN6 CN4Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus Fascicular Subarachnoid Cavernous sinus Infranuclear Orbital Neuromuscular junction The NM junction is where the journey ends for the nerves. [...] Note also the presence of ‘thumb sign’ (ie, that the lid had to be manually elevated to see the eye in the first place) 57 Motility Disorders CN3 palsy A nontraumatic, isolated unilateral CN3 palsy will present with unilateral ophthalmoparesis involving some or all of the EOMs innervated by CN3: the superior, inferior and medial rectus muscles; the inferior oblique; and the levator muscle of the l.


Steven B. Flynn

Published in
United States of America
