cover image: Hidden Debt : Solutions to Avert the Next Financial Crisis in South Asia (English)


Hidden Debt : Solutions to Avert the Next Financial Crisis in South Asia (English)

13 Oct 2021

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis has expanded public direct interventions through state banks and enterprises to aid economies, but with possible risks to debt sustainability, long-term productivity, and equality. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis, which has sent economies in South Asia and other parts of the world into a deep recession, has created the need for public relief efforts. It has also raised South Asia's debt levels and has also raised South Asia's debt levels and future contingent liabilities. This once-in-a-century shock and the subsequent vast deployment of public resources have come on the back of the debt wave that has formed over the past decade. Large amounts of debt obligations are likely to resurface for central governments as many troubled state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and state-owned commercial banks (SOCBs) will call for the support through bailouts. Prematurely terminated public-private partnerships (PPPs) may require large public payments as settlements. Increased leveraging of SOEs, SOCBs, and PPP interventions during the COVID-19 crisis must be safeguarded against possible exploitation by elites for their own benefit and must minimize misallocation of resources in the economy that could reduce productivity in the medium to long ter. On balance, PPPs have yielded more successes than problems compared with SOCBs and SOEs. Some PPPs in South Asia have been highly successful in terms of both public benefits and private returns.
rule of law financial crisis information and communication technology civil service reform public-private partnership state-owned enterprise global financial crisis contingent liabilities risk-weighted asset contingent liability gross fixed capital formation public capital theory of change bayesian information criterion power purchase agreement access to financing value at risk share of state summary statistic amount of debt climate change risk fragile and conflict ownership share type interest rate structure management of risk fiscal cost increase in debt check and balances democratic socialist public sector reform public expenditure on education public opinion survey debt due infrastructure and capital central government revenue research and development expenditure public sector bank public sector enterprises fragility conflict and violence marginal revenue product legal resource center interest coverage ratio product of labor public sector research and development



Disclosure Date
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Doc Name
Hidden Debt : Solutions to Avert the Next Financial Crisis in South Asia
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
South Asia development matters;
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
EFI-ECA-FCI-Finance-1 (EECF1)
Version Type
Volume No


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