cover image: Groundswell Africa : Internal Climate Migration in West African Countries (Vol. 2) : Executive Summary (English)


Groundswell Africa : Internal Climate Migration in West African Countries (Vol. 2) : Executive Summary (English)

26 Oct 2021

West Africans have a long history of coping with challenging climatic conditions. Mobility has always been a key strategy for people in the region to manage risks and avail opportunities, be it nomads traveling the Sahel to feed their livestock, fishermen braving stormy seas, or merchants crossing the desert. However, as climate shocks and stresses escalate in the coming decades, West Africans could face unprecedented challenges. Despite the region's relatively small carbon footprint, it will be one of those most affected by the impacts of climate change. The study finds that without concrete climate and development action, up to 32 million people in West Africa could be compelled to move within their countries by 2050, in response to water scarcity, declines in crop productivity and sea level rise, augmented by storm surge. By 2050, Nigeria alone could have up to 9.4 million internal climate migrants, the highest count in the region, while Senegal could see internal climate migrants reaching over 3 percent of its population - the highest share in the region. Smaller coastal countries in West Africa like Benin could see climate migrants representing 40 percent all internal migrants by 2050.
sustainable development goals disaster risk reduction sea level rise information and communication technology social safety nets greenhouse gas emission country of origin impact of climate change nationally determine contribution million people management of natural resources climate change risk movement of people engine of growth early warning system climate-related risks increase in population high poverty incidence global knowledge partnership on migration and development induced migration adverse impacts of climate change future climate change rural to urban migration help community coastal urban areas number of migrants international earth science information network change in population social and economic transformation climate sensitive sectors context of terrorism fragility conflict and violence global average temperature increase rural population growth individual country data case study of nigeria several background papers migration-development nexus low emissions scenario


Rigaud,Kanta K., Sherbinin,Alex de, Jones,Bryan R, Adamo,Susana, Maleki,David, Abu-Ata,Nathalie E., Casals Fernandez,Anna Taeko, Arora,Anmol, Chai-Onn,Tricia, Mills,Briar

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Executive Summary
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
3A-Mainstreaming Climate Migration Into Development Planning And P -- P170862
Total Volume(s)
3 (See all volumes)
Unit Owning
Version Type
Volume No


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