cover image: The Status of Women in Lebanon : Assessing Women's Access to Economic Opportunities, Human Capital Accumulation and Agency (English)


The Status of Women in Lebanon : Assessing Women's Access to Economic Opportunities, Human Capital Accumulation and Agency (English)

26 Oct 2021

This report provides an up-to-date, holistic reference on the state of women in Lebanon against the broader perspective of general development outcomes while taking into consideration the multiple crises the country is facing. The report presents a data-driven analysis of three key dimensions of gender equality: economic opportunities (including livelihoods), human capital accumulation and agency, and includes a discussion of contextual factors related to institutions and the market underpinning all three dimensions. Specific challenges that refugee women and girls face are also covered and, where data is available and relevant, the report discusses the impacts of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Based on the thorough assessment, three priority areas for action to address gender gaps and promote women's empowerment are identified: i) policies & programs: supporting policies and programs that boost women's employment and entrepreneurship towards a more equal 'future of work' economy, ii) collaboration: engaging with a diverse set of actors to capitalize on momentum for change towards gender equality, and iii) knowledge: unpacking data to strengthen the impacts of reforms and service delivery benefits to women.
health gender education coronavirus covid-19 lebanon middle east and north africa anthropology industry gender and development educational sciences health care services industry culture and development gender and human development gender and social development
Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
The Status of Women in Lebanon : Assessing Women's Access to Economic Opportunities, Human Capital Accumulation and Agency
Published in
United States of America
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
EFI-MNA-POV-Poverty and Equity (EMNPV)
Version Type
Volume No


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