cover image: Disclosable Version of the ISR - Economic Management and Statistics Development for Policy Making - P171777 - Sequence No : 03 (English)


Disclosable Version of the ISR - Economic Management and Statistics Development for Policy Making - P171777 - Sequence No : 03 (English)

25 Oct 2021

The preparatory works are financed by the Government out of the perimeter of the project. [...] The World Bank team is providing regular technical assistance to the Institute of Statistics on the population census operation, advising them on the choice of technology, staffing, and logistics of the operation. [...] A convention has also been negotiated between the INSTAD and Afristat who will provide support and training to the Institute in the production, analysis and publication of the main economic statistics, and is pending signature. [...] INSTAD continues its focus for 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 on the institutional transition, the improvement of economic statistics, the implementation of the pilot population census, and the mapping exercise that is planned for 2022. [...] The call for applications for all the Long-term technical assistances for the budget preparation and investment planning have been advertised and the technical assistants are expected to be on board before the end of the calendar year 2021.
djibouti middle east and north africa choice of technology consumption population census fiscal management gender and development finance and development financial sector development financial economics trade and investment macroeconomic model online survey macroeconomics and economic growth financial sector policy investment project financing finance and financial sector development national competition social protections and labor calendar year fiscal & monetary policy skills development and labor force training performance contract international expert quality assessment procurement staff finance and growth national account approved budget economic statistic gender indicator on-the-job training on the job training user satisfaction survey macroeconomic and structural policies contracted loan macroeconomic simulation model access portal


Genoni,Maria Eugenia

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Doc Name
Disclosable Version of the ISR - Economic Management and Statistics Development for Policy Making - P171777 - Sequence No : 03
Originating Unit
EFI-MNA-POV-Poverty and Equity (EMNPV)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
DJ-Economic Management And Statistics Development For Policy Makin -- P171777
Total Volume(s)
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