cover image: World Bank Engagement in Situations of Conflict - An Evaluation of FY10-20 Experience (English)


World Bank Engagement in Situations of Conflict - An Evaluation of FY10-20 Experience (English)

3 Nov 2021

Globally, conflict is becoming more complex and intense. The World Bank's contributions to reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity increasingly rely on its ability to engage effectively in situations fraught by conflict. This report seeks to surface lessons to inform early implementation of the World Bank Group's Strategy for Fragility, Conflict, and Violence 2020-2025 (FCV Strategy). The evaluation analyzes how the World Bank works differently in conflict-affected situations by assessing four key aspects of engagement: (i) the extent to which the World Bank identified and addressed conflict drivers and risks at the strategy and country level, (ii) how these drivers and risks are integrated into operations, the ways in which the World Bank has adapted its engagement by working with clients and partners during situations of political instability, and how the World Bank has contributed to project-level results and higher-level outcomes related to peace and stability.
stakeholder engagement results framework inequality gender-based violence coronavirus covid-19 armed conflict advisory services social development social media political crisis multilateral investment guarantee agency poverty reduction extreme poverty political transition financial sector development budget support operational risk poverty eradication adaptive management political instability conflict and fragility fragile and conflict-affected situations development cooperation world emergency response risk tolerance sensitive information theory of change internally displaced person local knowledge graphic design interpersonal violence peace building violent conflict operational level the world region financial sector policy investment project financing social conflict and violence mitigation measure low risk security personnel social assessment raise awareness development partner reporting requirement soft skills access to information policy monitoring and evaluation system donor funding recent experiences government commitment in work public sector specialist concessional financing limited resources reputational risk development policy financing flow of finance emergency operation fiduciary risk real time affected population security risk fund activity security arrangement management systems small country development policy operation availability of finance share of investment committee on development effectiveness committee for development effectiveness semistructured interview information gap evaluation period monitoring tool active portfolio supervision cost change cost closing gender gap governance challenge sensitive issues evaluation framework particular country extremist group broad agreement security staff security challenge affected country diagnostic framework form of engagement operational requirement subsidiary right fiduciary arrangement human suffering administrative support partnership arrangement diagnostic tool investment operation operational issues trust funds reform cost of work program documents operational flexibility noncommercial purposes allocation formula crisis situation private actor monitoring mechanism word of mouth humanitarian agency security policy issue of gender political economy analysis exposure risk country portfolio investment lending learning system social transition conflict countries portfolio analysis intensity conflict partial coverage systematic analysis conflict analysis contribution of investment operational decisions military coup interim strategy unintended outcomes damage and needs assessment security analysis cause of conflict operational recommendations in conflict situation corporate policy fragility conflict and violence security monitoring corporate security harmonized list of fragile situations social upheaval security rule macro framework assessing bank performance charge code conflict risk analysis midcourse correction portfolio instruments dedicated road
Board Meeting Date
Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
World Bank Engagement in Situations of Conflict - An Evaluation of FY10-20 Experience
Product Line
Thematic & Sectoral Evaluations
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
1W-Wb Engagement In Situations Of Conflict Evaluation -- P172564
Series Name
Sector and thematic evaluatino;
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
IEG Eco Mgt & Country Prog (IEGEC)
Version Type
Volume No


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