cover image: Appraisal Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - Employment Support Project 2 - P176895 (English)


Appraisal Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - Employment Support Project 2 - P176895 (English)

11 Nov 2021

The implementation arrangements for the Project will follow the implementation arrangements under the ongoing ESP, relying on the same PIUs and arrangements established for the ongoing project. [...] In the RS, the project implementation is carried out by the RS Employment Bureau with the support of a project implementation unit established within the Ministry of Labor and War Veterans and Disabled Persons’ Protection. [...] As such, the environmental risk associated with the second project is low, and there is no need for a full-time environmental specialist in the PIU s. The Bank team, together with the PIU s, has determined the screening criteria to ensure that enterprises included in the project possess applicable valid environmental permits, that the increased employment will not increase the facility’s productio [...] The Project will achieve this primarily through improving the effectiveness and enhancing the scopes of the existing employment programs and by capturing and remedying the gaps and shortcomings of the ongoing ESP, but also national employment programs delivering employment/skill upgrade service/placement on the job/on the job training, etc. [...] The Project includes a series of improvements in the design and implementation of ALMPs, such as creating incentives to increase the number of beneficiaries, including the newly unemployed, adapting the policies to the specific context and making sure that programs benefit all of the target population, which by virtue of unemployment are already considered vulnerable per se, but some of whom face
environmental assessment stakeholder engagement cultural heritage social protection natural resources human capital land acquisition unemployed person protected area production capacity social security contribution job placement wage subsidies sustainable management formal employment unemployment benefit employment opportunities environmental permit grievance mechanism eligibility criterion environmental and social review summary environmental risk contract worker vulnerable group social risk rating management of pollution construction activities agricultural activity number of beneficiaries financial management specialist private sector growth health and safety issue institutional measure employment opportunity loss of job youth unemployment rate negative social impacts on the job training private sector employment public employment service monitoring responsibility active labor market program exclusion list of activities passive labor market program registered job seekers



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Doc Name
Appraisal Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - Employment Support Project 2 - P176895
Originating Unit
Social Protection & Labor ECA (HECSP)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
BA-Employment Support Project 2 -- P176895
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Social Protection & Labor ECA
Volume No


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