cover image: Project Information Document - National Social Safety Net Program-Scale Up - P176935 (English)


Project Information Document - National Social Safety Net Program-Scale Up - P176935 (English)

5 Nov 2021

But thanks to the low COVID-19 caseload in the country, the subsequent rapid easing of COVID-19 restrictions, a rebound in global oil prices and remittance inflows in the fourth quarter of 2020, and counteracting government policies, the economy showed signs of growth and recovery in the fourth quarter. [...] However, the establishment and operation of the National Social Safety Nets Coordination Office (NASSCO) under the National Social Safety Nets Project (NASSP, P151488) made significant contributions in the areas of targeting and coordinating social safety net related programs at the federal government level leveraging the National Social Registry (NSR) and the Development Partners Group on social [...] The World Bank has been a key partner in the government’s effort to expand and strengthen the social protection programs and systems, particularly through its support to different national programs: the National Social Safety Net Project (NASSP, P151488), Youth Employment and Social Support Operation (YESSO, P126964), Community and Social Development Program (CSDP, P090644) and the recently approv [...] These programs, particularly the YESSO and NASSP, support the development of the NSR and launched the country’s flagship cash transfer program for the poor (regular-CT). [...] In the context of NASP regular-CT targeting, the PMT scores in the NSR classifies three quarters of these households as being in the bottom 6 deciles of the national consumption distribution.
rural area food supply chain social protection human capital social assistance social safety nets food price financial inclusion cash transfer nominal gross domestic product impact of climate change community health and safety community and social development vulnerable household social assistance support risk of exclusion social protection program million people number of beneficiaries access to financial service social protection system cash transfer program social safety net program social protection interventions access to social protection below the poverty line restrictions on travel duplication of efforts gender gap in access social assistance system response to shock social protection mechanism bureau of statistic increase in prices climate change and poverty labor market program rate of inflation safety net delivery increase in inflation access to bank account youth employment and social support operation incidence of childhood credible monetary policy food producing regions


Mohammed,Muderis Abdulahi

Disclosure Date
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Doc Name
Project Information Document - National Social Safety Net Program-Scale Up - P176935
Originating Unit
Social Protection & Labor AFR 3 (HAWS3)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
NG-National Social Safety Net Program-Scale Up -- P176935
Total Volume(s)
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