cover image: Challenging Anti-Asian Bias and Acting as an Ally - Amidst the increase in anti-Asian rhetoric, bullying in schools, racist incidents, scapegoating and hate crimes impacting Asian and Asian American people, this



Challenging Anti-Asian Bias and Acting as an Ally - Amidst the increase in anti-Asian rhetoric, bullying in schools, racist incidents, scapegoating and hate crimes impacting Asian and Asian American people, this

8 Dec 2021

In addition, this time also provides an opening to engage students in learning more about the history and background of the AAPI community and how to act as an ally when you see, witness or experience bias and injustice. [...] Resources for Educators and Students 1 / 13 TOOLS AND STRATEGIES Coronavirus and Infectious Racism (MS & HS) Expand your understanding of how the Coronavirus pandemic has led to increased racism against people who are of Chinese or Asian descent, and how to take action. [...] iStock BLOG The Coronavirus Surfaces Fear, Stereotypes and Scapegoating The fear and anxiety around the coronavirus is having an impact on schools and communities and resulting in misinformation and scapegoating. [...] TOOLS AND STRATEGIES A Guide for Responding to School-Based Bias Incidents 5 / 13 Educators and school administrators, use this toolkit to help strengthen your responses to school-based incidents of bias and bigotry. [...] (Ages 11 and up) iStock TOOLS AND STRATEGIES 6 Ways to Be an Ally (en Español) Six simple things youth can do to be an ally to targets of name-calling and bullying.
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