cover image: The Base - The Base is a small militant neo-Nazi organization that emerged mid-2018



The Base - The Base is a small militant neo-Nazi organization that emerged mid-2018

8 Dec 2021

Overview The Base wants to establish a nationwide network of people who believe in the use of violence to overthrow the existing social and political order. [...] Nazzaro describes The Base on Lone Wolf Radio as “kind of like a nationalist survivalist LinkedIn type of thing.” In the same interview, Spear acknowledged the limitations of the virtual space, saying, “There has to be more activism that occurs in real life to circumvent the censorship that is occurring online.” Highlighting the group's move to on the ground activity: In January 2020, authorities. [...] The post also mentions rrreedd---ppiiillllliiinngg,,,, a common extremist shorthand used to describe the process of becoming “aware” of the ostensible realities of the current political and social systems: 5 / 19 Although the focus is on “collective self-defense and survival,” The Base also embraces age-old anti-Semitic conspiracies of Jewish control of society, which, adherents argue, engenders d. [...] To address the state of disrepair of “the system,” they advocate for direct action, especially in the form of violence, to create chaos, ignite a race war and force societal collapse to achieve “total Aryan victory.” The group articulates a sense of both urgency and impatience. [...] A Gab account associated with The Base, Volkskrieger ᛇᛇᛇ, encourages others to join the cause with action: “Having boots-on-the-ground is an essential part of our doctrine, as the fight for our people's survival will not be won on the meaningless spaces of the internet, but in the real world, where a man's actions truly matter.
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