cover image: Lesotho - Joined: July 2014 Highlights Country Progress 2015


Lesotho - Joined: July 2014 Highlights Country Progress 2015

6 Oct 2015

B e g i n n i n g Targeted Stunting Reduction T a r g e t p r e v a l e n c e : p r e v a l e n c e : Lesotho 39. [...] 0% 0, 06 0 2012 2015 2020 2025 EE ffo o rr t t nn ee ee d d e e d d T a r g e t Highlights Under e stunting 39.0% o irth eight 9.3% • An all-inclusive multi-sectoral and multi-actor national Cross-Sectoral utrition Action Plan e ists which serves as the Common Results Framework and sets out 0 5 months old e clusi e reas eeding 53.5% the role of various stakeholders in the implementation of nutriti. [...] A thorough analysis of e isting nutrition-relevant A DS Policy the Agriculture Sector Strategy and the Poverty policies and programmes has been undertaken Reduction Strategy Paper which was adopted alongside before the development of the national nutrition the 2020 ational ision. [...] Policy and Strategic uidelines (2003) the ational H and A ational Action Plan for Food Security which has many a ributes of a common results framework (200 - 201 ) supports improved planning and (CRF). [...] t is an all-inclusive national nutrition plan with implementation of food and nutrition activities a multi-sectoral approach to the implementation of nutrition undertaken by line ministries with F CO coordination and programmes by different stakeholders.
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