cover image: Togo - Joined: March 2014 Highlights Country Progress 2015


Togo - Joined: March 2014 Highlights Country Progress 2015

6 Oct 2015

B e g i n n i n g Targeted Stunting Reduction T a r g e t p r e v a l e n c e : p r e v a l e n c e : Togo 29. [...] 3% Current AARR Joined: March 2014 0, 6 Target AARR 0, 5 0 0, 2012 2015 2020 2025 EE ffo o rr tt nn ee ee d d e e d d T a r g e t Highlights • Togo s membership in the S Movement has contributed to the implementation of Under e stunting 29.8% two pro ects to combat delays in growth with a focus on (1) improving the food and o irth eight 11.0% nutrition situation of women and children and (2) suppo. [...] The nternational Code is incorporated into the following documents: the Poverty of Marketing Breast-Milk Substitutes adopted in 2003 by Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP ) the ational Health the Council of Ministers has not yet been adopted by the Development Plan (P DS) the ational Agricultural ational Assembly. [...] A go ernment ro osal to u date it has nvestment and Food Security Programme (P ASA) and the ust een a ro ed the Togolese arliament rior to its Programme for the Support of Agricultural Diversification ado tion (PADA) the Strategy of Accelerated rowth for Employment Promotion (SCAPE) and the social protection policy. [...] Five sub-programmes are implemented with the technical support of health education 5 Scaling u coordination, ollo u and e aluation and social partners: increasing institutional ca acit romotion o utrition and utritional ducation, Togo has recognised the de elo ment o a common results including health li est les, and ste ing u the rame or as a riorit or 0 5 a lication o in ant and oung child eeding.
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