cover image: Brought to Bear: An analysis of seizures across Asia (2000-2011) (PDF, 1.3 MB


Brought to Bear: An analysis of seizures across Asia (2000-2011) (PDF, 1.3 MB

5 Sep 2014

It states that “the continued illegal trade in parts and derivatives of bear species undermines the effectiveness of the Convention.” Measures should also be taken to monitor and gauge the effectiveness of enforcement efforts by Parties • All Parties included in this study should submit reports of illegal bear trade and seizures to CITES, as stated in Article VIII in the Text of the Convention and. [...] • With this in mind and considering the multi-national and diverse trade of this group of species, TRAFFIC recommends that a centralized database for collating reports of illegal bear trade be developed in order to assist with records management and the analysis of the levels and trends in illegal trade. [...] For each country/territory, the proportion of each specimen type involved in the trade was calculated relative to the number of bears needed to obtain the parts # Denotes number of paws * Most countries/territories involved in the trade of bear gall bladders were also implicated in the trade of significant quantities of bear bile and/or bile products. [...] The motion noted that the stocking of farms with bears taken from the wild is not uncommon, and that the farming of bears and the wide-scale sale of relatively cheap bile gives the false impression that wild populations are robust, and confuses users and enforcement authorities as to the origin and legality of bear products. [...] It states that “the continued illegal trade in parts and derivatives of bear species undermines the effectiveness of the Convention.” Measures should also be taken to monitor and gauge the effectiveness of enforcement efforts by Parties • All Parties included in this study should submit reports of illegal bear trade and seizures to CITES, as stated in Article VIII in the Text of the Convention and.


Elizabeth Burgess; Sarah Stoner; Kaitlyn-Elizabeth Foley

Published in
United Kingdom