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1 - Africa Research Notes - ChiNA’s PARtNeRshiP with AfRiCA iN the fight AgAiNst Covid-19

8 Mar 2021

provide medical supplies, expert teams, facilitate Extraordinary China-afriCa Summit the procurement of medical supplies in from China; fast-track the completion of China-Africa He further said the Extraordinary China-Africa Friendship Hospitals in the continent, cancelled Summit on Solidarity against Covid-19 was the debts of relevant African countries in the form successfully held, and the coope. [...] have closer communication and coordination to deepen solidarity and cooperation in such areas VaCCinE diplomaCy as “promoting peace and development in Africa, With the discovery of the Covid-19 vaccine, 2021 jointly advancing the BRI, fighting Covid-19 and has come with the promise of a possible return to defending international equity and justice”. [...] 95 Africa Research Notes 3 March, 2021 Sino-Africa relations are historical and can be share poverty reduction experiences with Africa traced to the early trade between China and the as it seeks to achieve the AU Agenda 2063 and city of Alexandria in Egypt in the 10th century BC. [...] SDGs and support for the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (in 2020, China offered Sh8 forum on China- afriCa CoopEration billion for the construction of a Africa CDC building In 2000, China and Africa established the Forum on in Kenya). [...] In 2015 China established a diplomatic mission to The Beijing FOCAC Summit of 2018 in its action the AU, becoming third after the United States and plan (2019-2021) had various declarations that the the European Union.
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