cover image: AMF Annex 58 / IEA Bioenergy Task 41 Project 10 - The Role of Renewable


AMF Annex 58 / IEA Bioenergy Task 41 Project 10 - The Role of Renewable

17 Nov 2020

In the EU fuels are classified by feedstock, in the USA by pathway, and in Brazil by the carbon intensity of the fuel. [...] 12 Overview of regulated fuel qualities In the EU6, there are “biofuels” “advanced biofuels” and “renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin” and as of 2021 “recycled carbon fuels” and “biogas in transport”, the latter today being part of the “biofuels” and “advanced biofuels” categories. [...] Hydrogenated triglycerides and lipids (HVO) The HVO feedstocks are the same as for FAME biodiesel above, and the pre-treatment is in principal the same, with the exception that the HVO process can process FFA together with the triglycerides. [...] The change in the molecular structure of the hydrocarbons allows aligning the properties to the specification of marketed fuels for the local climatic conditions. [...] Additional water is added to the mixture of solids and liquids resulting from the pre-treatment to reduce the viscosity after which hydrolysis and saccharification of the cellulose and hemicelluloses oligomers take place.


Barrett, Janet

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