cover image: Human Rights of Armed Forces Personnel: - Human Rights of Armed Forces Personnel:


Human Rights of Armed Forces Personnel: - Human Rights of Armed Forces Personnel:

30 Jul 2021

Other provisions of the Code of Conduct refer to the human rights of service personnel in the context of the political neutrality of the armed forces (paragraph 23); recruitment and conscription (paragraph 27); rights and duties, as well as exemptions from, or alternatives to, military service (paragraph 28); and the obligation of states to provide appropriate legal and administrative procedures t. [...] Indeed, the exercise of some human rights cannot be limited at all.4 However, the exercise of other 3 Principle 2 of the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, states: “The participating States confirm the continuing validity of their comprehensive concept of security, as initiated in the Final Act, which relates the maintenance of peace to the respect for human rights and. [...] The key principles of the UDHR were later developed into the legally binding obligations contained in the ICCPR and the ICESCR, both adopted in 1966.16 In addition to the above, certain treaties adopted under the auspices of the UN deal with specific human rights issues or the rights of particular categories of individuals. [...] This approach is a consequence of political changes that situate the role, form and function of the state in direct relationship to the rights and responsibilities of all citizens (including members of the armed forces) and is founded on the principles of democracy and the rule of law. [...] The Netherlands (1976), in which it underscored that the Convention applies to armed forces members, as well as civilians.45 At the same time, the Court acknowledged that the rights and freedoms of armed forces personnel may diverge in practice, highlighting the need to “bear in mind the particular characteristics of military life and its effects on the situation of individual members of the armed.
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