cover image: Increasing agricultural productivity and production in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable manner

Increasing agricultural productivity and production in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable manner

1 Feb 2017

Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Increasing agricultural productivity and production in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable manneri A major challenge for governments is to meet increased demand for sufficient and nutritious food, resulting from population and income growth and changes in diets, in the face of decreasing availability and quality of natural resources. [...] Meeting the challenge calls for yield increases and overall productivity gains in food and agricultural production in the context of a more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable agriculture. [...] Promote a significant expansion of agricultural research and develop- ment, and its funding, including by strengthening the work of the re- formed CGIAR, supporting national research systems, public universi- ties and research institutions, and promoting technology transfer, shar- ing of knowledge and practicesix; 9. [...] As appropriate, support the development and strengthen the capacities of existing cooperatives, producer organizations, and value-chain or- ganizations, with a particular focus on small-scale food producers and ensuring the full participation of women farmersxi; 12. [...] iThis section draws from a number of frameworks and international documents, in par- ticular the Declaration of the 2009 World Summit on Food Security, the VGRtF, and the UCFA, in particular Outcome 2.2 and 2.3 ii UCFA, paragraph 59.


Gherardelli, Alessandra (ESA)

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