cover image: IPL Report  •  September 2021 - Using IOM Flow Monitoring Data to Describe Migration in West and Central Africa


IPL Report •  September 2021 - Using IOM Flow Monitoring Data to Describe Migration in West and Central Africa

21 Sep 2021

They record the number of migrants in each vehicle, their gender, and their nationality, as well as the departure and destination points for the vehicle. [...] Of all migrants who intend to stay in Africa, 70% report that they intend to move to a neighboring country (a country that is connected by a border to their departure country). [...] Table 5 shows the differences between the characteristics of migrants who intend to migrate to a neighboring country compared to migrating beyond a neighboring country. [...] School or Above Unemployed Self−Employed Traveling in Group Already Attempted to Migrate Wants to Return −50% −25% 0% 25% 50% Differences Figure 5: Each point indicates the difference between the average value of characteristics for migrants intending to travel to a neighboring country and migrants intending to travel beyond a neighboring country. [...] The results show that seasonal migrants are less likely to be single, less likely to have a secondary of higher education level, and more likely to identify as self-employed compared to other male migrants who are motivated by economic factors besides seasonal migration.
Published in
United States of America