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Justice Centre - for Constitutional Freedoms - No Proof the Vaccines Are Safe

7 Oct 2021

No Proof the Vaccines Are Safe According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (“VAERS”), the adverse events reporting database operated by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in 7,920 deaths in the United States during a period of only eight months.1 The number of deaths has since doubled.2 In addition, VAERS. [...] As you are undoubtedly aware, all of the vaccines currently in use have been linked with debilitating side effects, which the FDA has acknowledged.6 All but one of the shots are under “Emergency Use Authorization” in the US; all but two are under “Interim Authorization” in Canada.7 Various studies are required to continue for even the approved vaccine with the final report due in mid-2027.8 The FD. [...] Further, the Mandate is an insult to the inherent dignity and human rights of the Workers, each of whom have a right to weigh the evidence and make personal medical decisions for themselves free of duress. [...] Even the FDA’s Pfizer factsheet for healthcare providers indicates deference to the principle of informed consent, for it states: “The recipient or their caregiver has the option to accept or refuse (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine.”29 Furthermore, the vaccine mandate is unconstitutional as it unjustifiably violates sections 2, 7 and 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which protects the ri. [...] We reiterate the critical points: The vaccines are experimental and not fully authorized in Canada; the vaccines remain subject to ongoing clinical trials; the vaccines bear a Health Canada warning label, and the vaccinated and unvaccinated are both able to spread Covid to others.


Michelle Gusdal

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