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Soft skills as a workforce development strategy for Opportunity youth:

28 Sep 2021

Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 2 Soft skills as a workforce development strategy for Opportunity youth: Review of the evidence – Scoping Report METHODS We conducted a scoping review2* of the research and practice-based literature on the value and need for soft skills within the employment training context, as framed by Research Question 1. [...] At the same time, interventions that recognize and address the broader experiences of Opportunity youth and take a strength-based lens to their skills and assets have the potential to change the life trajectory of those young people and promote a wide range of positive outcomes for individuals and communities.23 Specifically, there is growing interest today in re-developing youth employment progra. [...] Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 7 Soft skills as a workforce development strategy for Opportunity youth: Review of the evidence – Scoping Report Identifying key conceptual frameworks of soft skills Owing to a lack of universal definition of soft skills, we explored existing conceptual frameworks relevant to soft skills in order to help identify specific skills recognized as important. [...] Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 11 Soft skills as a workforce development strategy for Opportunity youth: Review of the evidence – Scoping Report WHAT IS THE VALUE OF SOFT SKILLS, ESPECIALLY FOR OPPORTUNITY YOUTH? Summary of findings Soft skills are in high demand in today’s economy and are considered a critical part of a transferable skillset as movement across job sectors is beco. [...] Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 23 Soft skills as a workforce development strategy for Opportunity youth: Review of the evidence – Scoping Report Limitations We took a planned and structured approach to this review of the literature in order to address the project’s research questions while allowing for some flexibility, as required in the iterative nature of scoping reviews.


Basia Pakula

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