cover image: Human Development Report 2007/2008  - Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world


Human Development Report 2007/2008 - Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world

17 Nov 2007

An important issue that needs to be understood in relation to low carbon technologies is whether IPRs as a barrier to technology transfer might vary in importance according to the stage of technology development or the nature of the technology itself. [...] For example, the stage of development of a particular technology may have implications in terms of the level of private investment already made in a technology and the level of returns that IPR owners need to derive before they are happy to release the IPR. [...] The EGTT is nominally responsible for the implementation of Article 4.5 of the Convention within the context of this five part framework. [...] In particular, the EGTT has been involved in the development and collation of Technology Needs Assessments and the creation and administration of the TT:CLEAR information clearing house. [...] This warming will, in turn, is likely to lead to a range of severe impacts such as increases in severe weather events (heatwaves and cyclones) and sea level rise due to melting of polar ice caps Whilst the persistence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere mean that significant further warming is now inevitable, global action to reduce CO2 emissions would limit the extent of this warming and the se.


Jim Watson

Published in
United States of America
