cover image: Pacific salmon and steelhead: life in a changing winter ocean


Pacific salmon and steelhead: life in a changing winter ocean

28 Oct 2014

Pacific salmon and steelhead: life in a changing winter ocean Pacific salmon and steelhead: life in a changing winter ocean Katherine W. [...] 1°C 6°C Western boundary of Eastern Boundary western Alaska sockeye of Asian sockeye Salmon feed in winter & diets vary by species Example: major prey of immature and maturing salmon in the Gulf of Alaska (Source: R. [...] (2011) evaluated climate-change effects on species-specific winter thermal habitats SSTs of “frequent catches” of salmon species Sea Surface Temperature (°C) Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sock Chum Chin Pink Coho Steel 30 Potential climate change effects on high seas salmon winter thermal habitats in three regions (Abdul-Aziz et al. [...] 1965, Birman 1985, & others) Salmon feed in winter & diets vary by species Winter research during 1980s-present Development & application of new methods Trawl surveys provide expanded knowledge of seasonal high seas salmon distribution Trawl surveys show salmon feeding varies by region Example: Chum salmon diets vary by year, month, and body size in western Subarctic (Naydenko, et. [...] al., 2010; Kuznetsova, 2010; Glebov et al, 2011) Electronic tags show species-specific differences in high seas vertical distribution TD tag data show plasticity in winter depth distribution of individual fish Comparison of Winters – Bering Sea Chinook Increased spatial and temporal resolution of species-, age-, & stock-specific distribution with respect to ocean conditions An Inherited Magnetic M.


Katherine Myers

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