cover image: Journal of Women & Aging - “The night comes early for a woman”: Menopause and sexual activities among urban older Yoruba


Journal of Women & Aging - “The night comes early for a woman”: Menopause and sexual activities among urban older Yoruba

29 Mar 2019

An understanding of older men and women’s perceptions and dispositions is necessary, judging by the evidence on the sexualization of the woman’s body and the premium on sexual pleasures and heterosexuality in interge- nerational sexual relationships. [...] All the vignettes stimulated partici- pants’ interest and discussions on the intersections between sexuality and aging, constraints to active help-seeking, the availability and quality of kin resources in the event of a sexual health problem, and responsiveness of the traditional and biomedical systems to sexual health needs in old age. [...] All the FGDs took place in locations agreed upon (community town halls and compounds of community leaders) by the gate- keepers and participants; the FGDs took place in secured spaces for community meetings and the interviews at the homes of the participants. [...] The emphasis on timing and the degeneration of the woman’s body due to procreation and childrearing responsibilities were acknowledged across all the FGDs and in almost all the interviews. [...] The position of these women supports the findings from the qualitative study by Kartini and Hikmah (2017) among Indonesia women where some of them challenged the social expectations and the function- ality of submissiveness and willingness to satisfy their husband’s sexual demands as part of their womanhood.
aging; menopause; older people; nigeria; sexuality
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