cover image: Hypoxia effects on fish populations: model predictions under fixed vs. dynaimc oxygen environments


Hypoxia effects on fish populations: model predictions under fixed vs. dynaimc oxygen environments

29 Jun 2018

dynaimc oxygen environments category goes here and here Predicting marine ecosystem responses to environmental variation: Now is the time to merge bioenergetics and movement ecology Kenneth Rose Horn Point Laboratory Cambridge, Maryland Today • Organisms will move in response to climate change • Progress on movement – Observations – Modeling • Status of bioenergetics • Need and opportunities for m. [...] Behavioral Ecology 26: 877-884 Progress: Movement Modeling • Many approaches have been proposed – X(t+1) = X(t) + Vx(t) – Y(t+1) = Y(t) + Vy(t) – Z(t+1) = Z(t) + Vz(t) – Determine the cell • Quite confusing because of non- standard descriptions and terminology for Vx, Vy, and Vz – Random walk – Run and tumble – Event-based – Restricted-area – Kinesis – ANN A movement ecology framework that integra. [...] Curchitser Bernard Megrey Rutgers University Alaska Fisheries Science Center - NOAA Chris Edwards Jerome Fiechter University of California – Santa Cruz University of California – Santa Cruz Dave Checkley Kate Hedstrom Scripps Institute of Oceanography Institute of Marine Science - University of Alaska Tony Koslow Scripps Institute – CALCOFI Miguel Bernal FAO – Rome Sam McClatchie Southwest Fisheri. [...] Exposure of fish to hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Effects of allowing fish to move vertically…. [...] Disconnect • Movement cues – Sometimes projected growth – Often temperature or other habitat variable • Selection (optimization) of speed, direction, or destination • Trajectory (journey) • Bioenergetics consequences • Routine type movement maybe OK but not for GCC 47 Necessity or Opportunity • Merge movement with the bioenergetics • Consistency (two-way) • Journey and destination affect bioenerge.



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