cover image: Online Poll Final Report - A report submitted to the International Joint Commission


Online Poll Final Report - A report submitted to the International Joint Commission

30 Nov 2021

8 Figure 7: Respondents’ rating of the importance of the role of the individual or individual household in protecting the health and water quality of the Great Lakes basin. [...] “The Great Lakes basin consists of the Great Lakes and the area of land and water that surrounds the lakes, and feeds into them from Indigenous territories, the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the United States, and the province of Ontario in Canada.” 4.1 Importance Respondents were then asked to rate the importance of protecting the. [...] 13 4.6 Role of the individual Next, the questioning moved specifically to the role of the individual or household in protecting the health and water quality of the Great Lakes using a five-point rating scale (1-not at all important to 5-very important.6 Figure 7 below combines the results of very important (5) and important (4) as well as not at all important (1) and not important (2). [...] “How important is the role of the individual or individual household in protecting the health and water quality of the Great Lakes basin?” Don't know <1% Total important 92% Neutral 6% Total unimportant 2% Figure 7: Respondents’ rating of the importance of the role of the individual or individual household in protecting the health and water quality of the Great Lakes basin. [...] Are any of the ways that you engage with the lakes threatened or are you no longer able to be participate in them because of the poor health and water quality of the lakes? Don't know, 12% No, 59% Yes, 30% Figure 13: Of the 25 percent of respondents self-identifying as First Nations, Métis and Tribal Nation members, proportion that reported whether poor health and water quality of the Great Lakes.


IJC Great Lakes Water Quality Board

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