cover image: Evolution of male pregnancy associated with remodeling of canonical vertebrate immunity in seahorses and pipefishes


Evolution of male pregnancy associated with remodeling of canonical vertebrate immunity in seahorses and pipefishes

23 Jun 2020

A fundamental problem for pregnancy to evolve nant species were identified in both genera of the syngnathids: The is inadvertent rejection of the embryo when being recognized as pipefishes (Syngnathus) displayed loss of several genes of the MHC foreign tissue by the vertebrate’s adaptive immune system. [...] Morphology of brood pouches of subfamily Nerophinae (A), and of the genera Syngnathus (B), and Hippocampus (C) and display of the placenta-like structures in syngnathids (only Syngnathus and Hippocampus). [...] This is A closer examination of the invariant chain encoding gene supported by a loss of CD4, mediating successful receptor binding CD74 also suggests that the evolution of adaptive immunity has and activation of CD4+ T lymphocytes—AICDA, responsible for taken distinct routes in the two sister genera Syngnathus and the unique receptor diversity of the antibodies and CIITA, the Hippocampus. [...] While subsequently several core genes of In Gadiformes (cod-like fishes) an independent loss of the MHC the MHC II pathway were lost in Syngnathus, genes of the MHC class II pathway was recently reported, and the observed di- II pathway were under positive selection in Hippocampus [Fig. [...] The expanded MHC I repertoire is likely to be linked investigation of the molecular basis of male pregnancy evolution to the simultaneous loss/rearrangement of the MHC II pathway and its mechanistic similarity to female pregnancy in the future.


Reinhold Hanel

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