cover image: China - HaJia Railway Project (English)


China - HaJia Railway Project (English)

31 Dec 2021

un general assembly quality of infrastructure theory of change centralized traffic control supply and installation environmental and social impact construction and operation land acquisition and resettlement social assessment resettlement action plan resettlement policy framework source of financing social and environmental assessment project affected persons limited resources urban and rural development information system equipment policy and institution high-speed rail network quality at entry cost of doing business invitation for bid lack of competition analytical and advisory activities number of passengers lower carbon emission local government official good environmental management power supply system speed railway rail passenger transport means of transportation economic development opportunity social security program travel time for passenger snow and ice mode of travel transport sector investment regional railway high-speed rail corridor snow in winter passenger train traffic
Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
China - HaJia Railway Project
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
CN-Hajia Railway -- P117341
Rural services and infrastructure,Infrastructure services for private sector development
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Transport - Central Asia/CN+MN (IEAT2)
Version Type
Gray cover
Volume No
