cover image: NSW RFS October 2013 Fires Report part 1_final version


NSW RFS October 2013 Fires Report part 1_final version

29 Sep 2014

What preparations had you made to protect your home or your family in the event that a bushfire threatened your home? (What were the main sources of information you used for making these preparations? What influenced your decisions about preparation? – RFS information? Media? Past fires? Neighbours? Common sense? In the last year, do you recall receiving material by the RFS about bushfire safety?. [...] When was your community first threatened by the October fires? Can you think back to the day before the fire? What fire danger weather predictions or warnings do you recall about the NEXT day, the day of the fire? 8. [...] Walk me through the main things that happened on the day of the fire and what you decided to do as the day unfolded, starting from before you knew about the fire. [...] How long before the fire arrived were you aware of it? When you first knew about the fire, how concerned were you about possible danger for you-and your family? What would you say was your main worry initially? What did you decide to do about the fire initially? How long before the fire arrived did you take decisive action? At what time did you first see smoke/embers/flames? Were you impacted by a. [...] 13 Anything else that you think we should know about your experiences with the fire? INTERVIEWER: be careful in discussing post-fire issues, do NOT cross the line into “counselling‟, refer the interviewee to the sources of help noted on the Participant Information Statement if appropriate and the Resources For Psychological Help and Recovery sheet.



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