cover image: 136 organizations in support of reproductive health, rights, and justice strongly oppose the nominat


136 organizations in support of reproductive health, rights, and justice strongly oppose the nominat

9 Oct 2020

October 9, 2020 Re: Oppose the Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States Dear Senator: We 136 organizations in support of reproductive health, rights, and justice — strongly oppose the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. [...] The people deserve to have a voice in who is confirmed to the Supreme Court and in some states people are already casting their votes to make that voice heard. [...] As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread throughout the United States — including now on Capitol Hill and in the White House — we demand the confirmation process of Judge Barrett be halted. [...] Judge Barrett’s record and views are outside the mainstream and a direct threat to a person’s ability to decide if, when, and how to parent. [...] As Justice Ginsburg reminded us in her dissenting opinion in the case that gutted the Voting Rights Act, the arc of history only bends toward justice “if there is a steadfast commitment to see the task through to completion.” We demand that the next person to sit on the high court promise to do just that.



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United States of America